We are a friendly, sociable local group who are interested in all things related to gardens and gardening
Garden Visits, Informative Talks, Spring and Autumn Shows, Social Events, Quizzes, Trips Out
Local NGS gardens, Inspiring Gardens across SE England, RHS Shows and Plant Fairs
The Show
A bit of friendly rivalry among members and friends. Do come along and join in. See your annual schedule or the Spring Show section of this website for how to enter. Or talk to any member of the committee or contact Rebecca Southall, our show co-ordinator. Her contact details are in your Annual Schedule.
Open to everyone from 2.45pm for tea and cakes and the prize giving at about 3.30pm. Do pop along and see the hall looking wonderful with all the spring flowers.
2025 Garden Visits.
Do have a look through the gardens we are visiting this year. Corinne is now taking bookings. Note there are very few spaces left for the trip to Perch Hill Farm in August.
If you still need to renew your membership see membership section of this website. Email distribution list being updated by approx 31 March. Renew now to stay on list. Don’t miss out on some great trips and other events this year!
Pluckley & Egerton, Ashford, Kent, England, United Kingdom